четвъртък, 16 октомври 2008 г.


Cardiac Drug Therapy
Seventh Edition
download link:

Cardiac Markers

Cardiac Markers, Second Edition,

Edited by
Alan H. B. Wu, PhD
Foreword by
William E. Boden, MD, FACC
download link:

вторник, 14 октомври 2008 г.

Antiarrhythmic Drugs - a practical guide

Richard N. Fogoros, M.D.

Part 1 Basic principles

Chapter 1 Mechanisms of cardiac tachyarrhythmias
Chapter 2 Introduction to antiarrhythmic drugs
Part 2 Clinical features of
antiarrhythmic drugs
Chapter 3 Class I antiarrhythmic drugs
Chapter 4 Class II antiarrhythmic drugs;
beta-blocking agents
Chapter 5 Class III antiarrhythmic drugs
Chapter 6 Class IV drugs: calcium-blocking agents
Chapter 7 Unclassified antiarrhythmic agents
Chapter 8 Investigational antiarrhythmic drugs
Chapter 9 Common adverse events with
antiarrhythmic drugs
Part 3 Antiarrhythmic drugs in the treatment
of cardiac arrhythmias

Chapter 10 Basic principles of using antiarrhythmic drugs
Chapter 11 Treatment of supraventricular tachyarrhythmias
Chapter 12 Treatment of ventricular arrhythmias
Chapter 13 Treatment of arrhythmias in pregnancy

download link:

понеделник, 13 октомври 2008 г.

ABCs of Resuscitation 5th ed. (2004)

"A must for every general practice, ward, or unit" - Care of the Critically Ill
"a welcome source of knowledge and practical advice for health care professionals involved in resuscitation."British Journal of Resuscitation Vol 3 No1 Spring 2004
download link:

неделя, 12 октомври 2008 г.

Written by
Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Fellows
Margaret A. Lloyd, MD
Joseph G. Murphy, MD

It was written by cardiology fellows, primarily for fellows in training, and focuses on hot topics in cardiology
and likely board examination areas. It will also be useful for practicing cardiologists preparing for recertification in cardiology.

download link:

събота, 11 октомври 2008 г.

Dermatologie ATLAS

French Ilustrated Dermatology Atlas
82 pages

download link:

Учебник по неврология

Учебник по неврология
автор: Пенко Шотеков

тегло: 200 гр.
корица: меки
издател: Арсо
Предполагам ,че тези данни за учебника едва ли ви интересуват,но това са данните от електронните книжарници.Затова долу съм сложил и линк-а да си го свалите.Спорно четене.....пък може и да е по-тежък.
download link:

Angiography Atlas


петък, 10 октомври 2008 г.

Color Atlas of Local and Systemic Signs of Cardiovascular Disease

Franklin B. Saksena, MD, CM, FACC,

The contents of this work are intended to further general scientific research, understanding, and
discussion only and are not intended and should not be relied upon as recommending or promoting a
specific method, diagnosis, or treatment by physicians for any particular patient.

download Link: http://Funktron.fileave.com/Color Atlas of Local and Systemic Manifestations of Cardiovascular Disease.pdf
Българска Национална Академия по Медицина
Клинична Електрокардиография
Акад. д-р Илия Томов , дмн
първо издание

download link:
http://Funktron.fileave.com/Klinichna ECG.pdf

сряда, 8 октомври 2008 г.

Some Links:

Fonction endocrine du coeur

Résumé. – Le coeur synthétise et sécrète deux hormones (stockées dans des granules de sécrétion), l’« atrial
natriuretic peptide » (ANP) et le « brain natriuretic peptide » (BNP), lesquels régulent en aiguë l’homéostasie
hydrosodée grâce à leur propriété natriurétique.

download Link: http://Funktron.fileave.com/Fonction endocrine du cœur.pdf

Fibrillation auriculaire

Résumé. – La fibrillation auriculaire est l’arythmie la plus fréquente touchant 2 à 4% de la population chez
l’adulte puis 9 à 15 % des sujets âgés. Elle correspond à une désorganisation de l’activité auriculaire,
entraînant un risque thromboembolique, qui s’aggrave avec l’âge et une conduction souvent rapide aux
ventricules, entraînant un risque d’insuffisance cardiaque d’autant plus important qu’il y a une cardiopathie


Résumé. – Les bêtabloqueurs sont une classe thérapeutique majeure dont les indications s’étendent de plus
en plus, en particulier en cardiologie. Utiles dans l’hypertension artérielle, l’angor stable et instable,
l’infarctus du myocarde à la phase aiguë généralement en association à d’autres classes thérapeutiques, ils
sont indispensables dans le postinfarctus, dans la majorité des insuffisances cardiaques et chez tous les
coronariens à haut risque. Leurs effets secondaires, peu fréquents, sont minimisés par le choix des molécules
en fonction de leurs caractéristiques pharmacologiques.

Anévrismes de l’aorte thoracique

Résumé. – De nos jours, la pathologie de l’aorte est mieux comprise et décrite. Cet article présente les
principales caractéristiques anatomiques, physiopathologiques et cliniques des principaux anévrismes, en
fonction de leur étiologie. Les avantages et les limites des différents examens complémentaires sont discutés
(échocardiographie, scanner, résonance magnétique). Enfin, la signification pronostique et la prise en charge
thérapeutique sont envisagées.

download Link:

Three-dimensional Echocardiography

Echocardiography is now an indispensable tool in
clinical cardiology. Quite a few textbooks are
available at medical bookstores and on the internet
where you can find new developing aspects of
echocardiography. One of the most impressive and
innovative advancements of echocardiography
today is 3D echocardiography. There have been
few comprehensive books to introduce this new
echocardiographic method. Therefore, in this book,
I would like to provide you with the most recent
developments in this emerging field, focusing on
the clinical values of 3D echocardiography.

download link:
http://Funktron.fileave.com/Three-dimensional Echocardiography_1841846325.pdf

Cardiac Arrest Animated ACLS Simulator DEMO version

Based on the latest American Heart Association® ACLS Guidelines. The ultimate ACLS simulator software.Version 6.0 (32-bit) DEMO version.

вторник, 7 октомври 2008 г.

Лечение на острите коронарни синдроми при пациенти без елевация на ST-сегмента [2004]

Джобно ръководство [2004]
Остри коронарни синдроми при пациенти
без елевация на ST-сегмента
Работна група при Европейското дружество по кардиология за острите
коронарни синдроми при пациенти без елевация на ST-сегмента

1. Въведение ..................................................................................стр. 1
2. Първоначална оценка при явяване на преглед .......................стр.2
3. Стратегии за уточняване на риска ........................................стр. 6
3.1 Пациенти с оценен висок риск за бързо развитие
на инфаркт на миокарда или смърт ......................................стр. 8
3.2 Пациенти, за които се счита, че са с нисък риск
за бързо развитие на инфаркт на миокарда или смърт ....стр. 11
4. Дългосрочно лечение ..............................................................стр. 13
5. Литература ............................................................................стр. 14

Direct Link: